• Phone: +55 16 3934-1055 / +55 16 3615 0055
  • E-mail: ferraz02@ferrazmaquinas.com.br

Various capacities, ideal for production of various kind of product such as : bicolored  Nuggets and snacks. Provides better cooking and further expansion of the product. It allows the extruder to produce product with lower final densities.

•Pré-condicionador de dois eixos e pás com inclinação variável, visando o máximo cozimento do produto.

•Possibilidade de injeção de água ou vapor nas carcaças, permitindo controle de temperatura e dissipação do calor em todos os segmentos.

•Roscas e camisas em liga de aço inox de elevada dureza e grande durabilidade.


Financing: More


  • Payment method: Semiannual parcels, being the first after 6 (six) months of shipment.
  • Warranty: Letter of Credit or Bank guarantee.
  • Rates: USD = libor rate / EUR = zero rate

FINANCING - BNDES (Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento)

  • Payment method: Semiannual plots, being the first after 6 (six) months of shipment.
  • Values for financing: 100% of the purchase value.
  • Interest rates applicable to the L / C: Libor Rate + BNDES Rate (variable 0.4% up to 1.35% per year).
  • Warranty: Letter of Credit.

Get know: Eliani Almeida – vendas@ferrazmaquinas.com.br

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